I got my Esthetician license, worked at makeup counters, freelanced, did fashion shows, and more. Makeup has been more than just the creation of art for me, it’s been an extension of what I have to offer to others. My calling is to help others feel the best version of themselves and I enhance their lives by sharing my passion and the knowledge of beauty.
Wanting my own brand started in my early 20s, but was always put on hold because I didn’t have the tools nor the funds to start one. I’m a firm believer of everything falling into place when the timing is right and that our current decisions that we make today influence our future.

In 2012, I decided to go back to school to pursue a degree in Business Marketing and my goal at the time was to work for a beauty company being their regional product educator. In my upper division courses I was given an assignment to come up with a new idea and complete a full business plan for it and naturally I turn to the beauty industry for inspiration.
My inspiration came from stationary pencils that had witty sayings engraved on them. I had an aha moment and applied this to makeup brushes. From my experience when working with clients they often were not educated on what each brush is used for, how to use them, and were often overwhelmed by their daily makeup applications.
I found out that over 44% of women at that time did not know which brush does what. Brushes are labeled in numbers or not in ways that guide women enough to make them feel comfortable and confident in knowing that they are using the tool as it is intended for. My fellow classmates were loving the idea so much that they were so encouraging that I should turn this into an actual business. Circling back to the funding hump I was told about a site called Kickstarter, I launched a 30 day campaign and with the help of my backers I made my start up goal and that’s how MOTD Cosmetics was brought to life.

I wanted to take it one step further and influence change in the brush industry and after my own research and findings of how animal fur makeup brushes are made, I then found my “why” of the brand.
I wanted to put out a line of brushes that use high grade synthetic material designed to mimic animal hair without the need of compromising animals lives. I wanted to change the industry and consumers thoughts about synthetic brushes not being of quality for applying makeup.

Animal fur is often used for blending powder pigments and back then it wasn’t ideal to use synthetic brushes as they did not have the pick up or blending abilities. With our technology we do not need to keep animals out of their natural habitats, kept in cages in poor conditions, and shaved to make beauty tools.
As the brand continues to grow I thought it is time to introduce an entirely new product that I felt is much needed in today’s market. MOTD now offers Faux Mink Lashes using the same technology as our brushes. Our lashes are vegan, cruelty free, lightweight, and comfortable for all day wear. We launched 10 styles inspired by lifestyles that range from natural to full glam.
MOTD Cosmetics is for anyone who loves makeup and wants better beauty product choices and I’m so happy to share my passion for teaching others and inspiring them to create. I continue to put my love and full drive into this brand and nothing makes me happier than to see people creating art with the same tools that brought me to where I am today. Thanks for reading!